PRESERVING THE PAST AND THE PRESENT FOR THE FUTURE DID YOU KNOW? The National Museum of the Morgan Horse is under the American Morgan Horse Institute, the 501(c)(3), non-profit part of the Morgan Horse organization. The Institute owns the building and provides space and utilities for the Museum. However, the Museum is responsible for its own Operating Budget. DID YOU KNOW? The proposed budget for the fiscal year, July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001, is $85,000. This includes salaries, regular office expenses, promotion and advertising (promotion for the Museum also promotes the Breed), acquisitions, display, publication, research, and outreach.
DID YOU KNOW? The Museum has been operating with only two part-timers ---totally inadequate for the job that needs to be done. Recently an Archivist, Kathlyn Robie, has joined the staff. She is making a great difference for the Museum.
DID YOU KNOW? Funding comes from Memberships/Contributions, Admissions, Special Fund Raising Projects, and Merchandise Sales. Well over half of the budget depends on Memberships/Contributions!
DID YOU KNOW? Donations are tax deductible. You may pledge or pay now by check, credit care, or appreciated stock (a real win-win situation). Although the Museum encourages you to make your gift to the General Fund, you may earmark your contribution for a special project (For example: Memorial Library and Research Center, Grand National/Hall of Fame Recognition Corner, Web Site, etc.) To benefit this fiscal year, donations should be made as soon as possible, hopefully by April. Any donation of $25 or more entitles you to Membership and the Quarterly Newsletter. A membership may include the whole immediate family, and a card will be issued to each person named.
DID YOU KNOW? The National Museum of the Morgan Horse is YOUR Museum. It honors and serves all Morgans, from the top level show horse to the well-loved family horse. An Honor Roll of donors will be posted in the Museum.
Use the form below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The National Museum of the Morgan Horse 2000-2001 Membership/Annual Fund
$1,000 or more Patron ____Payment Enclosed $____________________
$500 - $999 Supporter _____Check #___________
$100 - $499 Sponsor _____Visa/MC #______________________Exp._____________
$26 - $99 Donor ____Pledge to be paid as follows:
$25 Member $_____________Timing________________________Make checks payable to NMMH.
List other members of the immediate family
Farm Name______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip___________________________________________________________
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